Faith Presbyterian Church is a multi-generational, multi-racial congregation on Blanco Road near 1604 in San Antonio that strives to maintain a gospel-driven culture. Our goal is to keep the main thing the main thing: Jesus Christ and Him crucified.
While we are not program-driven, we do maintain ministries for all ages.
Each Lord’s Day, we gather together for Christ to speak to us through His Word, to receive His gifts, and to commune with Him through His supper.
As a Reformation church, we believe that Jesus came for sinners, including us, and that His salvation is received by grace alone through faith alone in His finished work alone.
Our worship service focuses on the Word of God as it is preached, prayed, sung, and portrayed in the sacraments. We use a variety of musicians and instruments, as the Lord provides.
We follow a simple form of worship that includes a call to worship, Christ-centered psalms, hymns, and spiritural songs, corporate confession and assurance of pardon, pastoral prayer, expository/exegetical preaching, baptism and communion, and benediction. God uses these ordinary means of grace in extraordinary ways to provide forgiveness and eternal life and to conform His people to Christ’s image.
There is no dress code. We are flexible about dress because the kingdom of God is not about such things.
We don’t pressure anyone for tithes or offerings; we trust God to provide. We encourage anyone who may feel compelled to give in hopes of receiving something from God to keep their gift, and instead receive God’s free gift offered in His gospel.
We offer Sunday School for all ages, including adults, to train all generations in the essentials of the faith. We have two nurseries (infants; ages 1-4) and a cry room available during both Sunday School and worship.
We welcome all ages and all people–believers, pre-believers, and skeptics. There are, however, certain teachings that Faith does not promote:
- We are not Theonomists.
- We do not hold to Patriarchy.
- We are not part of the Family-Integrated movement. Nor are we a “homeschool only” congregation. We support parents’ rights to educate their children as the Spirit leads their parents to do so.
- We do not promote political viewpoints from the pulpit.
We are radically ordinary.
Here is a brief summary of what we believe. Hint: it’s all about Jesus.
We welcome you to come and receive God’s good gifts won for us by our Lord Jesus Christ and bestowed upon us by His Spirit!